The CSR values are at the core of every business conducted at Vikrant Engineering Works. The company firmyl believes that with its strong CSR values it can accenuate further on the success ladder.

- The company aims to make a proactive approach to conduct its business in a way so as to protect the global environment.
- The forerunners of the company comply well with the social norms as a good corporate citizen.
- The company believes in actively participating in the philantrophic activities and contirbute majorly for the uplifment of the weaker section of the society.
- The company aims to use its strength and resources to benefit the local communities and help the families and children in need.
- The company provides welfare facilities to enhance healthy working conditions and ensure that the employees can relax during their working shifts.
- The company aims to promote safe working practices through consultation with the workforce.
- The company also aims to Collaborate with clients to develop good working relationships.